Why Wet Concrete Cutting Is The Best Option For Your Needs
No matter what type of concrete structure you're working with, there are some standard considerations if you're in need of concrete cutting. For example, you have two choices when it comes to the type of concrete cutting service you can opt for. Dry concrete cutting relies on a blade cooling system to minimize heat accumulation while wet concrete cutting relies on water or a fluid cooling method to control the heat on the blade. Here's a look at some of the reasons why you should consider wet cutting for your concrete cutting project.
Clean, Precise Cuts
One of the biggest benefits of wet concrete cutting is the fact that the water flow creates constant blade cooling, which allows the contractor to keep working in a smooth, uninterrupted process. This creates a streamlined cut that's even from start to finish.
Opting for dry concrete cutting doesn't allow for this clean cut. The concrete cutter will have to stop frequently throughout the process. This start and stop process results in uneven cuts, interruptions, and more finish work that must be done to clean up the edges.
Less Dust
Concrete is made from a mixture of powder and moisture. When it cures, any cutting that you do will generate dust in the process. Dry cutting of concrete results in a lot of dust in the air because there's nothing in place to immediately mitigate it.
With wet cutting, on the other hand, you'll have a constant flow of water to the cutting area. This water dampens any dust that's produced during cutting, keeping the dust cloud at bay and reducing any respiratory irritants.
Safer Process
Concrete cutting can be a dangerous process. With dry cutting, the friction of the blade on the concrete generates a lot of heat. This heat and friction can weaken or damage the cutting blade, resulting in broken or shattered blades. Flying pieces of blades can pose safety hazards and may cause damage to you or anyone else in the area. Additionally, broken blades can slow the work and cost you more in supplies.
If you choose a contractor that offers wet cutting, you eliminate the majority of the heat buildup in the process. This protects your contractor and you from damage and additional expenses related to broken blades.
These are a few of the advantages to wet concrete cutting. If you're getting ready to start a concrete cutting project, look for a contractor that offers wet cutting to ensure a safe and successful project completion.