Concrete Surface Repair Recommendations And Tips For Your Property's Pavement
Concrete provides you with a stable and attractive pavement for your home and property while improving your property value. However, age, improper installation, time, and weather conditions can cause your concrete to crack and fail, leaving your concrete's structure and surface with damage and an ugly appearance that brings down your home's value and leaves you with a tripping hazard and liability. Here are some recommendations to help you improve the appearance and condition of your concrete surface.
Surface Clean Your Concrete
When your concrete has become damaged with surface cracks and pieces missing, you can repair the concrete with a surface treatment, but you need to clean the concrete first. By cleaning your concrete, you will remove any surface dirt and staining that will be in the way of your new concrete patches fully adhering. Just as you don't want to patch oil-covered asphalt with a new top layer without cleaning it, you need to clean your concrete's porous surface with a high-pressure spray.
Use a concrete cleaning agent along with a pressure washer to remove stains and dirt. You can also hire a professional concrete cleaning service to remove the buildup and stains.
Cover Surface Damage
Once you have cleaned the concrete's damaged surface, it will be ready for a new surface application of ready-mix concrete. There are many types of concrete mixes you can use, depending on the type of damage and size of the crack, but be sure you select one that is premixed or you mix it with the right amount of moisture to ensure a solid surface patching material.
Next, you should be sure to apply a bonding agent onto the concrete you plan to resurface. This will ensure the new concrete mix will stick and remain in place after it has cured. Without a bonding agent, your new concrete layer will slowly loosen and fall off because there is not enough adhesion between the two layers.
After applying the bonding agent, add your ready-mix concrete over the area of damage, filling it into cracks and crevices to form a full bond. Smooth the patch level over the damaged area, using a concrete trowel or a board float to finish the surface. With a new layer of ready-mix concrete on your existing and damaged concrete, you also have the option of applying a unique finish to the surface. You can print a faux stone or brick pattern or apply a pattern on the surface to promote extra traction when the concrete is wet or icy.
Reach out to company like Southport Concrete Corp to get ready-mix concrete for your project.